How to Learn Japanese with Keen Reflex
-Quiz Yourself with Flashcards: On just about every scene, you will see a rectangular box that displays flashcards that quiz you on Japanese vocabulary and hiragana/katakana. There are 5 words per stream. If you study 5 words per stream and come to all 4 streams each week, you can learn 20 words EVERY week! That adds up fast!
-Follow along as I read dialogue in Japanese: I stream games in rpgs and most of the time, I will read the dialogue out loud to you. Try to read along with me, repeat after me, or even try to translate sentences YOUR way and share them with me and chat!
-Listen for new words: As I read the dialogue or play the game, I will occasionally pull out a word or phrase and pause gameplay to discuss the word or phrase and its meaning before adding it to our list of flashcards! (these are also later uploaded to YouTube as shorts!) -Ask questions: Japanese questions are always welcome and I will always answer your questions to the best of my knowledge.
-Practice in chat: Practice typing Japanese to me or to other speakers in chat. Practice makes perfect!
『フラッシュカードでクイズ』 ほとんどのシーンで、英単語クイズのフラッシュカードが表示されます。この方法で一回の配信で5つの単語が勉強できます。週4回の配信に参加すると…なんと一週間で英単語を20個も習得できます!
『日本語の台詞を英語に翻訳してるところを聞く』 ストーリーがあるゲームが多く、ほとんどの場合、台詞を日本語で読み上げて、英語に翻訳します。英語の説明を聞くだけでもふと疑問に感じた質問でも大丈夫です!積極的さん大歓迎です!
『ストーリーから新しい言葉を覚える』 ときどき物語に出てきた単語やフレーズを選び、ゲームをいったん中止し、その単語やフレーズと意味について語ります!そのあとはフラッシュカードのリストに追加して、次回からフラッシュカードに出てくるので復習できます!
『積極的に配信者に質問をする』 英語の質問はいつでも大歓迎です。いつでもお答えします。
『チャットで練習』 私や他の視聴者と英語で会話することで無料の英語練習ができます!
Professional Japanese-to-English translator and localizer, voice actor, and father of two. I created this channel so that I can use my fluency in Japanese and my infinite love for video games to create a space where people can learn Japanese in a fun, game-themed environment. Other than my profession as a translator, I have two beautiful boys who play the role of the mascots of this channel. You will see Leon and Eyden in my profile pic, my emotes and even in some alerts!
Learn to read, recognize, and use hiragana as you guide Keen Reflex through a 50-floor labyrinth in an addictive and educational dungeon crawler RPG! Learning to read hiragana is the first step in your Japanese learning journey and it's the first hurdle that learners struggle to get over. This addictive RPG dungeon crawler will have you reading Japanese in record time and cut out all that boring study.
Hiragana Hero is set to be released late 2024.
Subscribing is not necessary to be here, but here's what you can get if you do!
-Unlimited access to cute emotes that can be used in ANY stream on Twitch! -No more pesky ads! -Extra channel points per minute so you can redeem more!
Not to mention that subscriptions help allow us to continue to provide free Japanese lessons and entertainment!
If you're interested, click the Subscribe banner above!
・Twitchのどの配信でも使えるかわいい絵文字に無制限にアクセスできます! ・煩わしい広告が流れなくなります! ・1分ごとのチャンネルポイントがより追加されるので、より多くの報酬が買えます!
Current Games: 現在プレイ中のゲーム
・World of Final Fantasy (ワールドオブファイナルファンタジー) ・Golden Sun (黄金の太陽) ・Chained Echoes(チェインド・エコーズ) ・Octopath Traveler 2(オクトパストラベラー2) ・Unicorn Overlord(ユニコーン オーバロード) ・Nier Replicant(ニーア ゲシュタルト/レプリカント) ・The Legend of Dragoon(レジェンド オブ ドラグーン)
Previously Played Games: 今までプレイしたゲーム ・Chrono Cross(クロノ・クロス) ・Live A Live(ライブアライブ) ・Hades(ハデス) ・Dragon Quest X(ドラクエ10) ・Mario RPG(マリオRPG) ・Fire Emblem: Three Houses(ファイアエンブレム風花雪月) ・Dragon Quest Treasures(ドラクエ トレジャーズ) ・Megaman BattleNetwork 6(ロックマンエグゼ6) ・Dragon Quest XI(ドラクエ11) ・Sea of Stars(シー・オブ・スターズ) ・Celeste (セレステ) ・Miitopia(ミートピア) ・Princess Peach Showtime (プリンセスピーチ Showtime)
Possible Future Games: 今後プレイ予定のゲーム
・Final Fantasy XIV(ファイナルファンタジー14)
I am a content creator for Content House! We want to welcome you to our community! We are an organization based around helping smaller streamers connect and grow. We offer the chance to grow through other similar communities within our game servers and hangouts/events. The Content House Discord server is a fun place to hang out and play games, as well as the ability share your work with the members within. If this interests you, join our discord!
All artwork used in my channel is created by Martin Quilatan. He is an amazing pixel artist, so please click the banner to get to his Instagram profile if you'd like to commission some work from him.
All music in the stream is created and sung by my lovely and talented wife. For any inquiries regarding her work, you can contact me directly through discord or in stream.