Q: Did you draw these panels yourself? A: Yes, ty for noticing! They are my life's work :)
Q: How long have you been playing SMITE? A: Since summer of 2014 in Season 1, Janus was the most recent god release.
Q: Do you play any other games? A: Not much, the other games I used to play a lot in the past were WoW, Halo, and Skyrim. I'm a 1 trick gamer!
Q: Where are you from? How old are you? What's your SSN? A: I grew up near Baltimore, MD. I am 26 years old. SSN is 420-69-6969
Q: Favorite sports teams? A: Baltimore Ravens mainly, I also root for the Orioles but I don't watch as much baseball.
Q: Are you single? A: No.