Sound Effects!
To use a sound command type any of the any of these words with an exclamation point before them. Ex: !beans (Sounds denoted by an asterisk have a small chance to self-timeout the user)
augh, beans, birdup, brothers, bubbles, budget, buyin, cheese, cherry, credit, cumming, curb, damage, doit, ez1, e2, e3, ez4, f, fbi, gameover, gachi, glob, good, gottem, hard, hello, help, hi, highground, hours, knock, Knowledge, kokainum, lookout, mad, milkers, nicecock, nuke, onepunch, oof, overconfidence, ping, pipes, plap, plapsong, potion1, potion2, rip, running, scam, sellin, sorry, suffer, testicles, thanks, theory, threat, thunder*, turtles, ultra, ultra1, ultra2, ultra3, ultra4, vape, welcome, wizard, years, yes, yoda (ASSEMBLE, o7, and gg all have sounds but require no !)