Donations (LOOOL)
ヽ༼⊙ل͜⊙༽ノ - Top donos
1 Itsjesterino - $750.00
2 Krunchy - $110.00
3 tubadxd_ - $100.00
4 brokenwings__ - $100.00
5 FYAdom - $80.00
6 googleme2477 - $60.00
7 thedarbs - $50.02
8 SirPlease - $50.01
9 jwalk147 - $50.00
10 nindayekoz - $50.00
11 jazmeowne - $40.00
12 lupe - $35.00
13 athenac42 - $30.01
14 lilyungxputo - $30.00
15 Roohy - $25.00
16 OnyxBlock - $25.00
17 ilostcustody - $20.00
Thank you to everyone that has donated even if you're not on this list <3
If you can't donate a follow is more than appreciated, make sure notifications are enabled to know when i'm live.