🌸Business Inquires: [email protected]
🌸Donations are appreciated but not required! Just you being here with me is more than enough.
🌸If you decide to donate, please understand that donations are nonrefundable.By completing the transaction through PayPal, you certify that you are the rightful owner of the funds being donated, and they cannot be returned or withdrawn / charged back.
🌸Don't donate if you don't have enough money to live a stable lifestyle.
English ONLY, please!
NO BACKSEATING! Unless streamer asks for your help.
No hate speech/terms
Do NOT talk about politics or religious things.
Be polite to others in the chat. Do NOT spam or mods will time you out.
Do NOT ask for private information.
Do NOT call me in weird nicknames (Mommy/sis etc.) and don't sexualize me or others.
Don't joke about your age
Be nice and have fun!
⛓️ Panels: Nemuicha
⛓️ Live2D Artist: VitamineChan
⛓️ Live2D Rigging: Mavoly
⛓️ Mascot: Panic
⛓️ Emotes:
⛓️ Sub/Bit Badges: littobug SeviYummy
⛓️ Overlays: Miyukki
⛓️ Starting screen: NeonBeat Animated KJOEE88 ⛓️Offline screen: NeonBeat
⛓️T.I.T.S objects: Kream_VT DariRuuPomMarrowgrave