Rigger: RaffuRigs ★
EMOTES: ᴋʀᴇᴅᴅᴜᴢ ★ BEKKORW ★ Lau ★ Waqreations ★
!uwu ❀ Check how uwu you are today
!soup ❀ Check how soupy you are today
!victory ❀ DID WE WIN? Show your support!
!hype ❀ Show some Hype in the chat!
!rps + (input) ❀ rock paper scissors game
!duel + (input) ❀ Challenge someone for their uwus!
!top points ❀ Check who has the most uwus!
!gamble all ❀ Gamble your uwus away
!boomer + (input) ❀ Tell someone they're a boomer
!cupid + (input) ❀ Checks your compatibility
!pool ❀ Pool information
!firstbooyah ❀ Check to see how many booyahs you have
!water + (input) ❀ Did someone just fall in the water? Call them out in chat!
QUEUE COMMANDS ❀ !qinfo - information on the queue ❀ !qjoin - join the queue ❀ !qleave - leave the queue ❀ !qposition - see your position in queue ❀ !qstatus - see the next 5 people in the queue
Follow Twitch TOS
Be kind and Booyah!
Please do not spam emotes
Do not share any personal information Age, Location etc.
English only as I can't understand it or moderate it. (Unless someone in vc speaks it then its okay!!)
Include everyone We want this channel to be a safe and welcoming place for everyone.This includes but is not limited to generalizations of types of people, hate speech, or discriminatory language based on gender, religion, ethnicity, sex or socioeconomic background
The final word is with Ami and the Mods. Our mods are in place because we trust their judgement. Remember that these rules exist not only to the letter, but in spirit. If our mods feel like you have violated or circumvented even the intention of these rules, you will be either timed out or banned.
Use your brain before you type :)