Q: Why is the screen black / youtube / some other game?
A: There are some DDOSers who follow me.
What they do is DDOS the server of the game I am playing on. During queue's I have to hide my name and the names of the other players in the game and go on invisible mode.
Q: This is killing your stream and it's not as fun as when you are live. Can you go live?
A: Sadly, no. I was DDOS'd on and off for the last year but since January 2020 the DDOS efforts have really ramped up and every time I go live the HON servers I play on get DDOS'd. Yes, I am aware that what they are doing is highly illegal. Dealing with these mentally ill people is tiring.
Q: Why do you have so many accounts?
A: I used to run a business on HoN where people would pay to play with me $27/4 hours of play. The slots were full and plentiful in those days however as we got higher and higher ranked they would become heavier and heavier. So for my own sanity around 1750-1850mmr depending on the customers I would switch to a lower rated name and try again.
Q: Why do you still use many accounts?
A: Despite hon (being best moba) it has dwindled in player base. So especially on the NA servers as you get higher and higher ranked Q times take a very long time. Diamond 3 solo Q can take a while. Diamond 2 could take an avg of 15-30+ minutes. And Diamond 1 you may have to wait all day.
Q: Why do you not play on EU where there is a greater pool of Diamond 1's?
A: I like to enjoy the games I play. The low ping feels warm and comfortable. I very very rarely go to the EU servers.
Q: Why do you not buy Arcane bomb?
A: I use the old shop. That item doesn't exist for me in this game.