Greetings and salutations! You can call me Carie or your majesty if you find yourself blanking on my name~ I'm a tall bitch, long drink.
1000 years old, mixed, unholy, horny on main and unapologetically me. I'm a cosplayer and love all things nerdy and occult. I stream mostly variety games. Please enjoy your stay! I am one of those horoscope girlies, so run away: ☼ Taurus ☾ Scorpio ⇧ Taurus
NO BABIES ALLOWED!! We get hella degen in here.
Sub Emotes by Abyssal_Case Follower & BIt Emotes by Moddr1d Stream notifications by NiftyStudios Stream Starting and Brb Screen by sussyscotty
💜 Don't be an asshole, only I'm allowed to be one. 💜 No self promotion. 💜 We are an inclusive community so please feel free to drop your preferred pronouns! 💜 Sexism, racism, or homophobia and other hate-based chat results in an automatic time-out and/or ban, you petulant shit child. 💜 English only, please. Maybe bad French, too since I understand that. 💜 Respect the mods or perish, meat puppet. 💜 Controversial topics begin when I start them and they end when I stop them. 💜 Do not advertise without permission. 💜 Have fun.
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