(點擊上方圖片進入 Append 的 Discord 群組)
想想如果有個空間可以方便地找到 Append,討論一下與近期節目相關的內容﹑討論一些遊戲的細節研究,或是解答各式各樣的疑難雜症──這樣聽起來好像不錯。所以就跟著流行試著開了一個群組看看─然後Twitch群組在2019年就要關閉了,所以我們要跳船去Discord。
Append 自製RockmanX4改造,可以點選上圖看範例影片。對許多敵人有明顯強化,同時對部分關卡有一些改造。附上方便的補E機制,沒事多喝E,多喝E沒事。部分頭目改造後難度提高許多,請妥善分配關卡順序;然而也不用擔心難到破不了,這款遊戲已經在釋出後3天被DDR挑戰成功。
Hello, welcome to my channel. I'm Append/Appendko, a Taiwanese retro-gamer major in Mega Man X series.
Generally, the audience in the chatroom are mostly from Taiwan, and we use Traditional Chinese to chat with each other; however, we can understand some English, although it may be somewhat difficult for us to reply either rapidly or fluently for us. Therefore, if that's more convenient to you, feel free to chat with us in English!