Don't take things too seriously! Enjoy your time here.
More specifically don't use racist, homophobic or purposefully hateful comments nor abuse of any person here. It will not be tolerated.
People will disagree. Argue against the idea not the person making them. Be constructive instead of petty.
Keep it to yourself. It's not welcome here.
Anything not covered by the rules above is left to the discretion of Argick and moderators. If any of them request you stop whatever action then you do so without question.
Stream time : All times in BST
Times are subject to change. Examples include while I'm participating in events or holidays.
What's on the stream? : The stream content can vary slightly. Mostly you will be seeing Speedrunning as I'm really into that currently but there are always some new releases that I will want to play eventually.
Click here or the image above if you would like to leave a tip to support the stream.
All tips are greatly appreciated and help me continue creating content full time. This includes but is not limited to paying bills, upgrading equipment, purchasing games for stream and attending events.
Tips are completely voluntary and non refundable.
Thank you to all tippers!
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