ありあです! ファミコンから最新機種までゲームが大好きです。 そんな私が、料理をしたり、レトロゲームを配信したりします。 女子高生の娘、りりあちゃんもたまに登場します。 仲良くしてくださいね!
My name is Aria! I love games from NES to the latest consoles. I will be cooking, playing harp, chatting. My daughter, Riria, a high school student, also makes an occasional appearance. Please be friendly with us!
Please be friendly with me!
I speak a little English.
ロックマン2(34:13) 忍者龍剣伝(31:57)←とても遅い笑
ロックマン2RTAで34:32を出した時の動画です https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm11318301
There are too many games I like to write about, so I picked one from each genre.
Mega Man2(NES) Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse(NES) Super Mario 3(NES) MOTHER2(SNES) Shiren the Wanderer 2(N64) Phantasy Star Online (Dreamcast) Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door(GC) Super Mario Galaxy 2(WiiU) Dance Dance Revolution series(PS/AC) Guilty Gear XX(DC/AC) Using Testament Earth Defense Forces series
Other titles include Resident Evil, Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, The Legend of Zelda, Metal Gear Solid, and many more. There is no way I could write it all down.
MegaMan2(with warp) 34:13 NINJA GAIDEN 31:57←Very slow.LOL
Here's a video of me doing 34:32 in Mega Man 2 https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm11318301