Q: Hey man! How on Earth do you start the stream at this time?
A: Asmo streams at 4AM in order to catch his American viewers before they go to bed, and then catch his European viewers as they wake up for the day. It's an ideal time to stream to maximize his viewership.
Q: Do you play on NA or EU?
A: NA exclusively at this time, with the exception of that one time NA was down and we all got to see his dumpster rank on EU, LUL.
Q: Why don't you compete in tournaments?
A: Asmodai is part of compLexity's stream team. His main focus is growing and maintaining his stream and community. Asmo may take part in competitions in the future, but for now we get to catch him daily on Twitch.
Q: Are you on social media?
A: Yes, here is Asmo's social media information: Snapchat = try cstub66 or cstub, Instagram = AsmodaiTV, Youtube = AsmodaiTV. You can sub using this link: http://twitch.tv/asmodaitv/subscribe
Q: When are you going to move?
A: You must not catch stream very often.
Q: Can anyone do the 80 gold quest with me?
A: Ban hammer.