CPU - AMD Ryzen 7 5800X
Motherboard - MSI B550-A PRO
GPU - NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070
CPU cooler - NZXT Kraken X63
Donations are never asked for, but will always be greatly appreciated.
Donations are not refundable.
Monitors - ASUS TUF Gaming VG259QM 280Hz & ASUS TUF Gaming VG249Q 144Hz
Headset - Apple Earbuds
Mic - Shure MV7
Audio - GoXLR Mini
Lauroboros - Fox bongo & Sub badges
ZombieAZF - Fox emotes & Bit badges
StreamSkins - Graphics
No hate, racism, discrimination.
Just don't be weird.
Do not self-promote.
Don't ask me to play unless I know you. I mostly play with people I'm close to.