Chat Commands: !inflate !quote !lurk !unlurk !throne
About My Streams: 18+ because I make lame dirty jokes and I swear way too much.
I am married and I refer to my husband as Tech Expert since he takes care of the tech side of things. I wouldn't be able to do any of this without him! (mostly because I'm super great at breaking things)
I have two pets, a cat (Mira) and a dog (Mabel). There are free stickers of both of them that you can slap on my streams. They also use their own noises when used!
I post my weekly schedules on Twitter and Discord. Usually I stream on Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, (starting @ 8~9pm central) but some weeks I switch it up a bit.
LGBTQIA+ safe. I am pan/demisexual.
I stream a variety of games and I’m always looking for something new to play.
Wheel spin: I have a wheel spin, also known as Atiffical's Spectacular Spins (A.S.S) permanently added to my streams! For every 10 subs we spin the wheel!
I am ridiculously jumpy and I get scared easily, so I have a lot of channel point redeems, bit redeems, and stickers for you to scare me with. Check them out and have fun with them!
I love playing games with other people! Stick around and get to know me and the community and maybe you can join!
Back-seating: I am usually 100% okay with back-seating on games that I am streaming. I get distracted far too easily and I miss a lot of important details. Feel free to throw out tips along the way! I just ask that you don’t get angry or upset if I miss or ignore your comments/help. Sometimes I want to do things my own way and sometimes I like to try things differently! It’s part of the fun in video games!
Twitch Background Character Art: Andou Emotes: Pop - KitsaviVT Cry, Knife, Drunk - Nori Sayuri Confetti, Dance, Licky, Panic - Eighty Eight Design
Model: Made in VRoid Studio Top on model: On Booth Shorts on model: On Booth