The rules are pretty simple here and boil down to "Don't be a jerk" and "don't ruin the experience for others."
Further Clarification
- Don't spam (copypasta always allowed), don't scam, don't bully
- Don't troll others on Attica's behalf
- Don't be racist/homophobic/otherwise hateful (we are INCREDIBLY accepting here but have a zero-tolerance policy for hatred)
- Always strive to improve the experience of those around you <3
- Keep it PG-13
We all love video games, but did you know that I'm also looking forward to getting to know you as well?
Sure, occasionally my replies to chat will be delayed due to a sweaty game of UNITE, or an exciting moment in Legends, but I stream to make memories with my viewers.
This means I love hearing about your day, being someone for you to vent to, or just joking and socializing to pass the time!
Whether it's in chat, Discord, or the socials, I look forward to time spent with all of you!
$3.33 WTF EVEN?! / $4.44 <3 / $5.55 CHARGE! / $6.60 GG high five / $7.77 Lost and Confused / $8.88 Successful Zap/Dred/Rotom Steal! / $11.11 Absolute Terror
Tipping helps improve the stream and helps us stream more often!
We get to keep 100% of every tip! Each tip will go to the following:
- Improving lighting/cameras/sound/background
- Improving hardware to allow video editing
- Spoiling Attica's doggos
We're Partnered with AdvancedGG!
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If you want to spoil your strimmer, and prefer sending gifts instead of monetary donations, Throne is the way to go!
"But I don't see what I want to buy you!" Feel free to recommend a product through Throne and I can add it to the wishlist!
I plan to open all gifts on stream and each gift purchase comes with an on-screen notification! Thanks for thinking of me!