Hi I'm Matt Bragg! I play video games and just like to hang out and chill. I like long walks on a digital beach that has enough monsters to slay to keep it interesting. Welcome!
If you want to send me anything you now can! Address is:
1801 E 51st Street STE 365 "# 1234" Austin TX, 78723
If you'd like to tip the stream you can do so here! Leave a Tip! https://streamlabs.com/axialmatt/tip
Right now our schedule is kinda in flux but I'm going to say Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday with some Saturdays are going to have streams. Normally I start daytime stuff at around noon and nighttime stuff at around 7:30pm All times are US Central time Bonus streams may pop up throughout the week so keep an eye out!
On Twitter I'm - AxialMatt Follow to keep up to date on streams and stuff
If you want to join Matt's Mages and chat with the community check out the discord! - Matt's Mages
All business inquiries should be sent to [email protected]