Hello, I am BabaYetu, a fan of Civilization games and seeking to play them as much as I can! I live in Nova Scotia, Canada. If there are any questions you have or if there is anything you are confused about, I will try my best to answer.
I am a full time streamer that plays primarily Civilization 5 Multiplayer with the Lekmod and LekMap in the NQ Group.
My sleeping patterns have been fixed and I stream around 1400 - 1500 AST (GMT -3). I stream every day other than mondays.
Guides/ Lists
Civ Tier List for NQMod v1.0
World Wonders List for NQMod v1.0
Chat Rules:
Be respectful of others.
Have common sense.
I am an admin for the NQ group. If you would like to join, you can request invite on the NQ steam page. Make sure to read the rules, unprivate your account, put your game details to public and have at least 50-100 hours played! The address is: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/NQCivilization
Pronunciation List:
Himeji Castle: hi meh g castle (very silent i)
Neuschwanstein: noi shvaan shtein
Ceilidh hall: kay lee hall
Marseille: mar say ee
Landsknecht: lllaands kon hue it
Pracinha: Pra seen ya
Tithe: tie ve
Umgungundlovu: em gun Jun O vu
Hagia Sophia: aya sophia
Aarhus: or who's
Edinburgh: ed in burr ahh
Groningen: hro nin gen
More words of Civilization V to be added when times are necessary!
If there are any games that I have done that you feel should be highlighted, let me know through chat or messages!
I play with the LekMod, which changes the flavour of the game by making multiplayer more balanced and brings life to policy trees such as honour and piety to have them viable. All of what I talk about will be about LekMod and not the base game. My opinions would change a bit. You can find the download and how to install by typing !lekmod in chat.
I also use the LekMap which makes the map spawn generally pangaea maps and prevents isolation or huge mountain ranges where the game will be decided by information era solely from the map. It makes a lot of the tiles very nice with bonus resources everywhere generally. No huge clumps of jungle abyss. You can get the install for the LekMap by typing !lekmap in chat.