-ZERO tolerance for racism, transphobia, homophobia.... basically, don't be a fucking cunt.
-You must be over 18 to be in this stream. Do NOT mention your age. You never know how creeps operate. Be wary of flirtatious attempts from groomers and do not ever send compromising photos to other viewers or moderators. If you are a victim of this type of harassment, contact a mod or me immediately.
-Do not be disrespectful to other users or streamers (no hate brigading).
-Do not use an alternate account to circumvent punishment. You will just get banned again.
-No bribery or financial incentives to get Bacon to do something.
-The mods aren’t doing their jobs for the clout, they’re doing it out of the kindness of their hearts. Please, show some decorum and basic courtesy to them as you would anyone else here.
-Guilt-tripping or other forms of emotional manipulation are not to be tolerated.
-Do not randomly join games of my friends and I. A surefire way to get blocked.
Enjoy your stay!
Donations are accepted but not required. Please look after yourselves first.