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All Pacific Time Zone
Mon, Tues, Wed, and Friday start at 4pm Pacific
Saturdays at 1 pm Pacific (Sub Games)
Sunday and Thursday - Day Off (Still may strum these days some weeks)
Follow me on Twitter ( as all streams & times subject to change. Thanks!
Disrupt Stream Team -
Disrupt Twitter -
I stated streaming (strumming as I say) since Summer of 2015. I created a schedule in February of 2016 that I have stuck to. Streaming 5 days a week. You want to know why?..... Here are my goals.
1) Create enjoyable content and entertain people. *My first goal used to be getting the sub button (it still is a goal of mine) but now I realize I was born to entertain. That is my first goal to put smiles on faces and laughter in bellies.
2) Interact with my viewers *No matter what I am going to be gaming. You, the viewers, are the ones taking time out of your day and watching me. You are the ones that make the ultimate commitment into tuning into my channel whether it be for a second, minute, hour. I thank you!
3) Get a Twitch Sub Button *This used to be number 1 but I soon realized Twitch may not know who I am but my viewers do. So still this is a goal of mine that I can't wait to have but my viewers are more important.
Of course I have more then just those three goals from being here on Twitch but I wanted to share those three. You guys and gals that watch me... that I have come to know I thank you. Without you there is no me.
If you are a follower of the stream and would like your picture (plus name) highlighted during the streams follow the way below.
1) Be a Barrow34 follower on Twitch (Youtube and Twitter is appreciated as well but not necessary)
2) Take an appropriate picture of yourself. (If not appropriate when you send it to me you will not be given another chance)
3) Send it to my email [email protected]
4) If you would like you can hold a lightsaber as I have in my photo. Let me know the color you would like and I will make it happen!
5) If you would like a Ninja Turtle mask that I and the main followers of the stream wear... you must become a familiar name with myself and chat.
6) Essentially earning Bear-oints in chat is a way to accomplish step 5. You earn 1 point every 10 min and can gamble the points to earn more.
7) You cannot earn points by donating as other streamers do as I do not deserve your money so I do not ask for it.
8) Just be a Cowabunga type person and you can join our insanity.
(Ask myself or 0mattykinnz0 in chat any questions about this section)
Follow me on Twitter to know when I go live and how to know how to gain access to the giveaways early.
Follow my Youtube to gain access to the best highlights of myself and the viewers. Also will be staring a weekly vlog. Hilarity will ensue! Should be up and running in a week.
Every Friday I post a new WTS video! In WTS we look back at the week we had on strum and relive our most hilarious moments. Plus we have a nub of the week so if you game with me be wary. As I may make you the nub of the week. Finally send me your greatest clips and they will be highlighted in WTS episodes as well.
*Any disrespectful behavior, by anyone, towards anyone will not be tolerated.
*Be respectful to everyone in chat, it's not hard to do!
*No racism, sexism, or homophobic behavior will be accepted.
*Try not to swear up a storm, some cursing is acceptable but try to keep it respectful, you never know who's watching!
*If a mod times you out or bans you, send me a message if you think it was undeserved and we'll talk! I trust all of my mods to make correct mature decisions.
SPOILER: You will be purged, timed out or banned for spoilers.
Email me on how you think I may be able to improve the stream. All ideas are appreciated (even the wacky ones). Need some ideas on Giveaway items as well I can provide for you all. Include your twitch name in the email and it will be read on stream also. (If appropriate) [email protected]