- The pronunciation of Bonpooa's name in Mermaidarin is challenging for human so you are allowed to pronounce it as Bu-Ah. Bonpooa refuses to admit that this name is bizarre (x
- Bonpooa loves chatting with audiences from all over the world. Mandarin and English conversations are both welcomed! The CC/translation sometimes doesn't work and Bonpooa refuses to admit that it's because she is being cheap or mispronouncing the words (x
- Bonpooa enjoys spreading joy and love, but she is also shy to say her feelings out loud. Bonpooa shows her love through spending money on equipment or investing time to upgrade the content of this channel. Bonpooa loves tsundere but refuses to admit she might actually be tsundere herself (x
- Bonpooa loves lurking in other channels at work, waiting for the chance to spread joy and love in the chat XD~! Bonpooa refuses to admit she is a paycheck thief and also refuses to admite that she creates chaos in the chat (x
- Before coming ashore, Bonpooa trained her lung capacity deep in the sea. She refuses to admit that she is sometimes too loud. It must be the mysterious powers of the ocean that break your earphone (x
Signing this disclaimer, Bonpooa is now officially your best friend who is never helpful to your life lol.