Hi! My name is Albert. I play TFT, VALORANT, and League of Legends. I occasionally cosplay as cute girls.
Business Inquires : BoxboxTeam@unitedtalent.com
I stream most days probably
Follow my Twitter for more updates!
Streams last about 4-32 hours
Subscribing is the best way to support the stream!
Subscribers also get 4x points from Boxboxbot's trivia! Boxboxbot helps manage parts of my chat and stream for me. Everyone also gains 1 point per minute of being present in chat. Points can greatly increase your chances of winning a raffle.
Q : How old are you?/Are you in school?
A : 27 | I graduated high school in 2014, did not attend college
Q : When did you start streaming?
A : at age 14! Have been full time streaming since age 17.
Q : Why the name BoxBox?
A : My Korean username on League is bugged to display as 2 boxes.
Q : What rank are you?
A : S1: Gold
S2: Diamond
S3: Diamond 1
S4: Challenger
S5: Master
S6 Challenger
S7 Master
S8 Challenger
S9 Grandmaster
S10 Grandmaster
S11 idk
Q : Are you Korean?/Are you gay?
A : Nope
Q : What is your favorite emote?
A : Pog