All tips go towards supporting the stream! Tips are never required but always appreciated! They are also non-refundable, so don’t steal yo momma’s credit card.
$3 usd minimum for sound.
Special Sound Alerts
- 22.22 GOOGLE IT
- 6.66 Papyrus Voice
- 69.69 Give me the Booty Song
- 100+ darude sandstorm
- 10 A perfect 10 ;)
- 13.31 Scary1 Alert
- 12.21 Scary2 Alert
- 9.99 Birthday Balloon
- 4.20 hol' up ~wait~
- 17.38 1738
- 7.76 hot pepper tuna fast
- 7.77 hot pepper tuna
- 7.78 hot pepper tuna slow
- 6.06 toilet flush
- 20+ many service bell presses
Other ways to support are by using