(it rhymes with practice room)
First stream: Jan 5, 2019
University trained classical guitarist preparing for guitar competitions, so the practice is slow, grindy, and repetitive. Seriously repetitive. (Like practicing-a-handful-of-notes for 8 hours a day). This kind of extreme grind definitely isn't for everyone, but we really love and appreciate everyone who drops by and joins the fun!
Challenging and time consuming experiments are fun...or something.
So far we've done:
- 2 hours of polyphasic sleep (Uberman) from February to December 2019
- intermittent fasting // time-restricted eating
- 48 hour fasts
- one meal a day
- biphasic sleeping
- current experiment: randomized spaced repetition for learning
We try to log the interesting/horrible/amazing/soul crushing/euphoric experiences and report our anecdotal findings on stream.