Be respectful to me, any collab members, and everyone within the chat. Hate speech, discrimination, extreme offensive language, and excessive trolling are unacceptable.
Keep the chat on topic. No spamming, trauma dumping, instigating drama, or discussion of controversial topics.
Do not link anything in chat unless permitted by myself or the mods. Self promotion or advertising is prohibited.
No back seating or spoiling games unless otherwise given an okay. It's fun to figure out the puzzles myself!
Do not mention other streamers or VTubers unless I brings them up first. Vice versa, please do not bring up my name in other streamers’ live chat unless allowed by the streamer.
No discussion of mod action in chat. Any issues or disagreement with the warnings given, raise it privately to a moderator via a Twitch whisper.
Please keep the stream in ENGLISH. I can't speak other languages fluently enough to be able to moderate them properly.
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