The Donator List is getting quite long, so I have provided a list via clicking on the image above to see your name on it! Thanks again guys! It truly means a lot. Seriously.
TOP DONOR: Yeahlight ($10,000) WHAT THE FUCK
5K: Club: YeahLight ($5,000)
4K Club: PrincessKira69 ($4,000.69)
3K Club: S17Master ($3,300.00)
RedGuy ($3,251.60)
DerpyofDerpy ($3,251)
DerpyofDerpy ($3,000)
2K Club: S17Master ($2,200)
DerpyofDerpy ($2,003)
Mead0ws ($2,002)
Annoyance ($2,001)
Mead0ws ($2,000)
DaTruthDT ($2,000)
The 1K Club!
EndlessTundra ($1,400)
Takuya ($1,400)
MrWindyShorts ($1,337)
JUCARIO ($1,234)
Resejin ($1,200)
DerpyofDerpy ($1050) (Twice)
Meadows ($1,051)
Icer189 ($1,050)
Xeirla ($1,010.70)
Todd Shishler AKA The Todd Father ($1,001)
Mick123459 ($1,000) x2
FacelessLurker (100,000 Bits)
Daniel_Collin ($1,000)
Takuya ($1,000)
Enpares (Entares) $1,000
FN_Hell Toupee $1,000
Sheepeater_1701 ($1,000)
BisuWolf ($1,000)
Stelzare ($1,000)
Solgnir ($1,000)
DoctorSpoons ($1,000)
JMoore ($1,000)
You guys are seriously god-like. Thanks so much :)
So yeah, I am pretty cool with anything in the chat, but my mods probably won't be. They are just doing their jobs. So, do me a favor: If you like what you see, hit that nice looking follow button on the upper right hand corner. It will only take like 2 seconds. Please. Thanks :)
My current stream schedule will be primarily:
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursdays I may stream random games like practice or speedruns of the games I am active with, and then I resume the stream at 8 CST with speedruns of Mega Man X games usually.
Fridays are "Fuck it Fridays", which means I play whatever I want, but those start usually around 3-4 CST or so, and then I end the night with Perler speedruns and drinking alcohol :). Those are fun nights xD
Saturdays are typically my day off, but I may occasionally stream then also starting at 8 p.m. central time.
Sundays are RPG Sundays, which I dedicate to speedrunning RPG games, notably Earthbound and Final Fantasy 7 as of now, but more to come soon. Depending on the games length, I may start at 12 p.m. CST, or around 3.
As always, if you are unsure about anything else, don't forget to hit that follow button to know when I am going live! :)
Here are my current speed run records: Some are WR's, and some aren't. Either way, these are my best times for the listed games:
I also do Perlers. You can commission them at [email protected]
I can do most sizes, even HUGE ones as well. If you want to know prices, we can talk about it on stream, or send me an email and we can talk there!
Mega Man X: Any% 31:21 (WR is 31:07) 100% 35:15 (WR is 34:57)
Mega Man X2: Any% 32:43 (WR 32:29)
Mega Man X3: 100% 45:47 (WR is 44:34)
Mega Man X4 (Zero 100%) 43:18 (WR is 41:56)
Mega Man X5 ( Zero All Stages) Coming soon!
Mega Man X6 (All Bosses) Coming Soon!
Rockman and Forte (Forte Any%) 38:43 WR is 35:58