Want to donate? Do it here! It helps me keep the stream going and buys me beer
Want more bang for your buck? Here is some rewards you can redeem via tips.
$10-I will say one sentence of your choice, with no background audio, for your audio ripping pleasure. (nothing racist of offensive, duh)
$15- Shotgun a beer. Right now. Like, right now. Stop what you are doing, put the controller down, and do it already.
$20- Take a shot. It will likely be whiskey.
$25- Drink a boot. If you know what this is, you know how terrible of an idea this is.
$60- I will buy and play a video game of your choice for at least an hour, provided it's not something that is about to get me banned on twitch. You know what games I'm talking about.
$69.60- nothing happens but Ninja Sex Party plays, so that's cool.