はじめまして! ちか(Chika)と申します!
誕生日┊10月20日 血液型┊ B型 趣味┊ゲーム、映画、漫画、アニメ みんなと話すこと!
共通点や仲良くなれそう!て思ったら教えてね!! 仲良くなって後悔はさせません!
Nice to meet you! My name is Chika!
It depends on what time work ends, however I enjoy streaming games almost every day from 9pm.
I'm not good at it, but I hope you can enjoy it for what it is!
Comments and follows are very encouraging .
Birthday ┊October 20 Blood type┊ B Hobbies┊Games, movies, manga, anime talking to everyone!
If even one of these applies for you then its fate, so please get along!
As we have something in common, we surely can get along! Let me know if you think so too! !! We won't regret getting along!
chat ・誹謗中傷、罵倒、悪口、荒し、荒い言葉遣い、身内ノリ ・他の視聴者さんへの尊重、配慮のない方 ・宣伝目的なコメント ・過度な指示 ・金銭に関わる事柄を要求する
参加 ・参加したいとコメントにて伝えてください! バン歴のある方はお断りをしています。 ・不快になるような煽り行為 ・参加していただいている方への指示 ・参加していただいてる方が不快になるような言動、行動 これらも禁止です!
みなさんのおかげでいつもとても楽しい配信になっております! 感謝の気持ちでいっぱいです。
or everyone to enjoy the live stream, I would require your help♪
⭐️ Dont's⭐️
Chat ・ Slander, abuse, swearing, rough language, inside joke ・ Those who do not respect or consider other viewers ・Comments for promotional purposes ・Excessive instructions ・ Requesting matters related to money
Participation ・Please tell us in the comments that you would like to participate! However those who have a ban history are not allowed. ・Provocation that makes people uncomfortable ・Backseating ・Words and actions that make the participant uncomfortable These are also prohibited!
Regardless of their ability of the game, we want to create a place where everyone can enjoy the game without being uncomfortable, so please follow it!
Thanks to everyone, it's always been a lot of fun! I am filled with gratitude.
・広告が無くなります。 ・スタンプが使えるようになります。 ・バッジが付与されます
なにより めちゃくちゃ嬉しいです!
Amazon Prime会員であれば、なんと毎月1回の無料サブスクがついています。
・ There will be no ads. ・ You will be able to use the stamp. ・ Badge will be given
That's all! I will be very happy!
If you're an Amazon Prime member, you get one free subscription every month. people from abroad!