Donations are NOT necessary. They do help support the stream and all donations go directly into upgrades to the stream.
Donations are non-refundable
Special Alerts Bits: 22-"squirt in my face" 25- "Brother WUT" 50- "Im a sack of meat" 69 - "Get absolutely butt pwned" 75- "hamburger, cheesburger, big mac, whopper" 77- Jawa "Utini" 100 - "Fuck you chrispy i did it" 150- "I love coochie stuff" 222 - "YOURE GONNA TELL ME IM WRONG" 250 - "Coochie way too fat for bike shorts" 295 - "i got an email" partner email 300- Shia LaBeouf 333- RAWR Scare Alert 400- Reverb Fart 420 - Golden Mt. Coronet 500 - "Suck it Chris Melberger" 666 - Scare Alert 696 - The Worm Walk 1000- Make a deal with God song 1225 - Didnt bang Santa :( 3333- Chrispy "What The Hell" Trap Remix 5000- He-Man Whats Going On Song Subs: 5, 10, 15, 20 gifted Tier 2/3 subs
Who Is You Even?
Names Chris, people call me Chrispy. The nickname is actually pretty boring, theres no good story. My first name is Chris and my last name start with a P. Chris + P = Chrispy i guess. Yeah....
Whats the stream all about?
I started streaming to use my small, tiny little platform to promote the destigmatization of mental health awareness and be able to provide a fun, safe space for people of all backgrounds :) Plus i just love video games, its been part of me even since the early years of Starcraft: Brood War
What games do you play?
I play alot different genres of games! I mostly focus on Soulslikes, Farming Sims, Survival Crafters, and Indie Horror!
How old are you?
3 - 4
Whats your day job?
I worked as a professional brewer for five years, now im working on transitioning into a new career while streaming full time!
What is BTTV?
BTTV allows viewers access to a variety of other emotes. I make every emote tailored to my stream! All made from my iphone for goofs. Download the BTTV extension for Twitch to access them