My name is Connor. I want to be the first streamer on the moon
I'm a Variety streamer that plays anything new pretty much. I'm not actually good at games usually so if you're watching for the gameplay you're doing it wrong. Instead my streams more about having fun joking around with the chat while playin' vidya games.
Live every day around 5 Eastern Time except for when I'm not. I usually take Sundays off except for when I don't. Follow me on Twitter or join my Discord to get updates whenever I go live as well! Following should get you going live alerts too I think if you're into that.
Following will make your name appear on stream too which is cool
For Business, contact me at: [email protected]
If you're cool then you're subbed to ConnorEatsPants. You can sub for $4.99 (Tier 1), $9.99 (Tier 2), or $24.99 (Tier 3). You can also sub FOR FREE by connecting your Amazon Prime account to your Twitch account to get Twitch Prime! This still supports me just as much as a $4.99 sub, and you take the money directly out of Jeff Bezos's pockets. Very cool.
Subscribers Perks are limited because I don't want normal viewers to feel like they're lesser people just because they can't sub. They totally are. But we don't want them to think that. This is why I don't usually ever run sub mode or anything like that.
Favorite Color?
Best Streamer on the Site?
Where did you get your name?
Do you actually eat Pants
Favorite Video Game?
When did you start streaming?
"Damn I love this stream" - Viewer
"This isn't the best stream I've seen but I mean it isn't the worst so you have that going for you" -Viewer
"Is this what a seizure feels like" - Viewer
"Why isn't !songrequest on?" - Viewers
"Jesus Christ this guys is a asshole i read his rules and he says he will ban if he feels like it, you know just in case hes on his PMS, Half of his channel info is him giving reasons to ban you" - Viewer
"You Remind me of a Gay Lirik, even though you aren't gay"
connor6M, and connor6T made by @ihannavi on twitter!
more coming soon