Who am I ?
My name is Samy, I live in France, and I am currently 25 years old. I am actually a Youtuber migrating on Twitch! I have multiple channels, however, my biggest one is mainly about anime and Japanese culture, so you will see a lot of that here!
What are your streams about?
Good question... HIGH ENERGY STREAMS!
Ahem.. Let's start by saying that gaming is not the main concern of this channel. I am a so-called interactive streamer, and my main focus is my lovely audience.. and bullying them a bit. Or getting bullied by them...
As for what the content is EXACTLY, I couldn't tell you. Sometimes we look at memes, sometimes we talk about anime, sometimes we play interactive games with the viewers. In the end, FUN is what's common to all that!
However, on Fridays, we have JOJO FRIDAY, Sturday is usually sellout Saturday.