CrashDROID is powered by the most average AI out there. Here's what it can do:
Not only do you support me when you sub, you also get some cool stuff
Never expected, but ALWAYS appreciated! If you want to support me and the show and don't like Twitch taking a big cut, this is the best option.
Plus, you'll get to hear a random Duke Nukem quote and certain shows have different effects with donations of specific amounts.
At any time you can also donate exactly $100USD to shut down my gaming PC automatically, no matter what I'm doing. Breaking a record? NOT ANYMORE!
Every year, just before Christmas break, we choose new VIPs for the next year. VIP perks include:
VIPs are chosen based on the following categories from the previous year.
Top Twitch Activity
Top Clippers (Clips with the most views)
- BlackKittenArcher - VIEW CLIP
- Rydalls - VIEW CLIP
- 1LuneX666 - VIEW CLIP
- GuyNamedGeo - VIEW CLIP
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