Good evening ladies and gentlemen, this is CyberTruckerAlpha, host of the Video Game Show (with Talking!), a variety stream where I usually play retro games ranging from the 80s to the 2000s, or retro style games that try to capture that look and feel. I don't minmax or speedrun. I just wanna see every game ending that's worth seeing, and chew my way to the end to do so. I am the best, period.
Other than that just be cool, don't fight, and have fun.
Help support the channel through cheering bits, subscribing or gifting subscriptions, or by donating here!
If you prefer to tip more quietly (no alerts, names, or any onstream fanfare) you can also donate to my kofi here!
For every $0.10 USD StreamElements donation or more (or 10 bit cheer or more!), my truck Salli will read whatever you write out loud for all to hear!
Every donation will go towards growing and maintaining this stream, including better equipment, longer lasting equipment, more games, and more! Your help can and will make this stream even more awesome than it already is. Thank you!
First Donation, immortalized forever:
SPAM-FRIENDLY TTS starting at 10 bits (or $0.10)!
I have a number of bit donation alerts. Currently a work in progress and always subject to change. Here's what we have currently:
A 100 bit alert is equal to a $1.00 USD alert.
1 bit = Earthworm Jim going "Whee Doggy!" 10 bits = DIME TIME 11 bits = Same as 1 bit but also with TTS 70 bits = "Ohh boyyyy" from Duke Donuts 100 bits = "lllllllll" from RetroIslandGaming 101 bits = The Big Poochie moment in Lunar 2 200 bits = The Fishtruck scene in Wirehead 201 bits = The bear attack scene in Wirehead 300 bits = Neil Breen Has Had Enough 301 bits = Neil Breen Tiger Fight 400 bits = DEATHSTALKER II 500-554, 556-999 bits = Realistic Anime Driving 555 bits = COBRA 1000 bits = ONE HUNDRED TIMES THE DIME TIMES 1001 bits = Dragon's Heaven clip
On Tuesdays and Thursdays I try to start at 9PM Central Time (I observe daylight savings time assuming it still exists.) I may occasionally take a day off. Join my Discord for announcements. Set your watch!
The best way to support the channel is to subscribe! Subscribing will get you cool sub badges, a bunch of great emotes, a secret subscriber channel on the Discord, zero ads, and a big thank you on stream with the TTS message of your choice!
-CURRENT WORKING CONSOLES- -Nintendo Entertainment System -SEGA Genesis Model 1 (incl. Sega CD and Master System) -Playstation 2 (PS1 excluded... for now) -Playstation 3 -Playstation 4 -Nintendo Gamecube (via Wii, which has full backwards hardware compatibility) -Nintendo Wii -Nintendo Switch
-OTHER EQUIPMENT- -Elgato HD60S+ capture card -Composite splitter for SD consoles -HDMI splitter for PS3 capture -PS2 Internal HDD for faster, smoother load times -Mega Everdrive Pro for MAXIMUM gaming -My PC
Everything else I emulate to the best of my ability. Ask me about what emulator I use!
Now with over 1300 Free Sounds! Search this about page or the handy document linked above for the sheer breadth of sounds at your disposal!
Come join the Convoy in my Discord Server. Here you'll find
Completed Games
Click ^^here^^ to see the list. I've currently beaten a lot of games on stream.
A taste of games to come (in no particular order)
For inquiries contact me at this email address: [email protected]
Writer, Showrunner, Editor, Pro Gamer: Alpha - Logo Art, Co-Showrunner: MidnightMonopoly -