Tokyo Ghoul: Break the Chains is a new RPG mobile game. Based on the Tokyo Ghoul manga and anime series, it offers players a 3D turn-based strategy card game experience. The game closely follows the storyline of Tokyo Ghoul, allowing players to witness protagonist Ken Kaneki’s transformation into a half-ghoul and his struggles in a world divided between humans and ghouls. In the game, players engage in strategic battles where merging identical cards unlocks stronger abilities, allowing characters to unleash powerful moves. The game includes PvP modes and cooperative gameplay, so players can team up against bosses or compete in arena battles. Featuring over 30 characters like Kaneki, Touka, and Amon, each with their original anime voices, the game captures the atmosphere and conflicts of the series authentically.
Only players from the following countries count: United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand.
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Only mobile users - PC and emulator play will not count.
Only new users; those who previously downloaded the game do not.
Only users who use your link to download the game.
My timezone has changed so I will be streaming in the CST zone.
We are back to impromptu stream scheduling :D Since now I have a random work schedule I won't be able to know which days I will be off! Join my discord or follow me on X (Twitter) for updates on stream schedules (If I remember to make them and/or update it)