我曾經是一隻家貓 因為主人的遺願轉生成為貓妖 帶著這份愛努力的生活下去 喜歡動畫漫畫二次元 喜歡遊戲雖然技術普通 歡迎大家來陪我聊天聽我慘叫
I was a house cat, turning into a nekomata girl because of my owner's last wish. Trying my best to live my life with the love I got from her. Anime and manga lover, love to play games even I am not good at them. Welcome to join my stream to chat and watch me panic.
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- English OK
- 日本語勉強中
- 尊重! 友善! 包容! 請勿吵架或騷擾/探測他人隱私的發言 Please be respectful to others and mindful of personal information
- 請盡量不要提及其他台主及頻道的事 除非我主動提起 Please do not mention other steamers unless I bring it up first
- 請盡量不要在別人的直播上提到我這邊的事 除非對方主動提起 Please do not mention me on other people's steam unless they start first
- 請勿張貼任何連結 Please do not post any links
- 請勿發表汙辱 政治 宗教 性影射 爭議等言論 Please avoid hate speech, political, religion, sexism related topics
- 若非主動要求 請勿給任何指示 No back seating unless I ask for help
- 若發生以上情形請通知MODs或台主處理 (初犯600/累犯永ban) If any violation, please inform Daidai or MODs. Timeout for first time, then you will get banned
- 直播中可能會漏掉一些留言,還請見諒 Daidai might missed some comments during steams, please forgive her
希望各位能在這裡開心地觀看直播 以及與主播互動 Daidai wish you have fun and looking forward to chat with you all
- 排隊 !apex !valorant
- 周邊 !merch !line
- 連結 !twitter !youtube !discord
- 自介 !daidai !welcome
- Model Art: @cloba377
- Live2D: @Mat_cha_M
- Banner: @wanyi_ink
- Panel: @CSS74134570
- Logo: @_yi029
- Emotes: @takotpo @Miochenxx @ChingChingUwU @EmphyArt @yoyodon_TW @INUArt @demialien @misoramengirl
- Badges: @pikichuu
- Overlay/chat: @mattsquare_
- Background: @xxkaorururu
- Mic: @UrielJudge
- Loading: @liiii_ann
- Ending screen: @rutacloud
- BGM: @1luo0oul5/@ukeymusic72/@sNez1c9wpYbXBln/@CYKAO1994
- Alert Sound: 清響藍池
- Stinger:@LinYaTing
- Lore: @rutacloud
- Alert: @Mianyu_cotton @blackcat_ouo @Nnnoira @yasuureadyforHQ @AerlyaGraphics @hatyuuruinohito @690ZX69 @mochi_uya