Please] I am a human being, and I don't like things I don't like. I don't like things that don't make sense, things that are unreasonable, and things that are persistent. I want to have a conversation with everyone, so I will try to pick up the conversation as much as possible, but I will let comments I don't like slide. I may ban those who are unacceptable at my discretion, please understand. But I wouldn't want to do that if I could.
雑談配信用にメッセージを募集しています。 配信内、時にはXにも投稿します それでも良いよ!って方切実にお待ちしております。 名前は仮でもいいので書いていてくれると嬉しいかも?
We are looking for messages for the chat delivery. We will post them in the distribution and sometimes on X! If you are interested, please contact us! I'm looking forward to hearing from you. It might be nice if you write down your name, even if it is tentative?
フリーBGMサイト MOMIZizmMUSIC 音楽:ポケットサウンド ANONYMENT Records ちびキャラ諸々:岡様@22okasama22 ちびキャラ:光霊さん@demehomu サイン:パレちのネオンサイン屋さん@parechi_ バニーちゃん:Vチューバー大好きおじさん@Vtuber_DO 背景:みんちりえ( ) イラスト:@秘密結社ちょんまげ・蔵本かぷすけさん ponco2877 衣装:あとりゑ 月見草さん 衣装:おしり服屋さん 衣装:tes-mel 販売所 衣装:QuantumDot