中興大學森林系博士畢業,目前為林業試驗所內的研究助理,專業為 森林生態學、火後生態學、生物統計。 黑泥是由一位觀眾取Darkwiny諧音而誕生,實況的契機是因為初戀GG後每天都要看南方四賤客才得以入眠,隨著LOL的發展,也因為被某台MOD激到, 2012年開始實況。國中非常中二,想取黑色羽翼的暱稱,不幸國中英文太爛所以wing變成winy(葡萄酒複數or形容詞)。 YouTube斷斷續續使用,最近有比較常更新了, 活動企劃迄今有6場。 畫過的作品除了送人當桌布,也推出了L夾、扇子、桌曆及T恤等周邊。
【About Darkwiny & QA】
Graduated from the Department of Forestry of NCHU. I'm a project assistantat in Taiwan Forestry Research Institute. Majoring in forest ecology, post-fire ecology, and biostatistics. Black Mud, Hei ni was born by an audience with a Darkwiny homophony. The opportunity for the live broadcast was that after the first love over, I had to watch the South Park every day(24 hrs) until slept. With the development of LOL and being excited by a certain MOD, I started live in 2012. I wanted to take the nickname of Black Wing (Secondary disease). Unfortunately, my English was too bad when I was a high school student. So... ...wing became winy (plural or adjective for wine). YouTube is used intermittently, and it has been updated frequently recently. There have been 6 meetings hold so far. In addition to giving away as bundles, the painted works have also introduced peripherals such as L clips, fans, desk calendars and T-shirts.
I tagged English, cause I need to practice my conversation skill in English. If you type in En., I would give u my opinion in En. to you as fast as I could. Most time of streaming, I interactive with viewers in Mandarin.
In order to encourage everyone to comment, as long as 10 comments are made once, a lottery will be held for the commenters of Youtube at next streaming (The prize is NT 1,000 steam point card). You don’t need to make any special comments deliberately, just pointing out the parts of the film that need to be strengthened or the issues you want to discuss(The current statistics).
- 可以貼連結,不過要 附說明(嚴禁嚇人連結)
- 沒有 斗內和訂閱
- 沒有MOD,因為我能做的你也都能做
- 任何需要幫助都能說,能幫會幫
- 周末固定會開,其餘看體力
- 本台 專殺幹話,開玩笑之餘別開到別人不舒服基本上都沒事
- 劇透或是教學者,屢勸不聽也會被審判或是我直接timeout 500s以上
【Rules & Traits】
- Could post link, but need to add annotation.
- No donation & subscribe(I don't need money at all)
- No MOD, we got same power at this channel.
- If you need help(any situation), you could send me a message.
- Always streaming at holidays, but streaming at weekdays if I'm not exhaust.
- Do not Personal attack & Racist joke !! If someone got offend, we all know what would happened.
- Do not spoiler & teach !! I would give you chance until I tired to warn you. You'll got banned 500 second at least.
常會不定期投票下一款馬拉松的遊戲: We vote Marathon of games when finished a game frequently:
- 1.沉默之丘0-4、歸鄉、驟雨、破碎回憶 (silent hill, S)
- 2.惡靈古堡 0-3、聖女密碼 (reisident evil, R)
- 3.時鐘塔1-3、鬼頭 (clock tower, C)
- 4.元祖洛克人1-10 (Megaman, M)
- 5.死魂曲1-2、新譯 (forbidden siren, F)
- 6.黑暗靈魂1-3 (darksouls, D)
- 7.零1-3、月蝕假面、濡鴉巫女 (zero, Z)
- 8.洛克人X1-8 (megamanX, X)(還不太行)
- 9.格鬥天王94-99 (the king of fighters, T)
- 甜蜜的家1-2 (home sweet home, H)
以上,開啟投票時打 !vote 代碼, 就有機會看到你想看的遊戲馬拉松喔!!! You could type "!vote code" to express support to your favorite series.