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Sorry, but I'm not him.
Look, I get it. He has glasses, I have glasses. We're basically the same person. But the truth is - we aren't. By hyper-focusing on the few similarities that we do share, you rob us of our individuality. I am my own me, and I ask that you treat me as such.
So please, stop entering the channel and saying things like "What's up Scott?" or "Hey Scott, I really like the way your shoulders fill out that shirt." It's honestly a little disrespectful, and I'd really appreciate it if you didn't say things like that.
"Twitch Acting", a term originally coined by Aris, describes a twitch streamer who acts, plays up, or intentionally misleads their chat in order to ellicit specific reactions from them. It's a valuable form of interaction farming that keeps viewers engaged and helps prevent the streamer from becoming bored.
At times, I like to play the Fool. Whether or not I am acting is for you to decide, but in making you question it, I have succeeded.