Hi, I’m Deer!! I’ve been on Twitch as a moderator since 2013 and even migrated over from Justin TV.
I have a chronic heart condition known as Pulmonary Hypertension, and my blood is made of Coffee and Salt. It makes me nauseous and tired all the time, and I slur my words sometimes. But I'm ok!
Otherwise I love drawing art, Horror games, and variety streaming overall!
You can also expect to have a chill time while also enjoying animals, especially opossums and be apart of my passel squad while you can. Or just watch my dog be cute on screen!
Sam is a 2 year old Old time scotch collie! Feel free to ask about him I literally love talking about this dog. PLEASE ASK ME ABOUT THE DOG. I LOVE HIM.
I also really like deer and moderating for a bunch of weirdos on the internet who wound up being some of my closest friends.
Business Inquiries: [email protected]