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Oh Shiiiii - 25/$0.25 The Bonk - 35/$0.35 I'm So Dumb - 42/$0.42 Freakin Boko - 50/$0.50 AHHGAHFLABLAHBLAH - 65/$0.65 Tried to Nut - 69/$0.69 Aaaahhh - 75/$0.75 Feisty Rats - 85/$0.85 Freakin Pot - 100/$1.00 Need to Start Nuttin - 169/$1.69 Groose Falling on Link(video) - 222/$2.22
Case: Deepcool Matrexx 50 CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X Motherboard: ASUS Prime X570-Pro CPU Cooler: Deepcool Castle EX240 RGB 240mm Liquid Cooler RAM: 3600 Mhz 32 GB Graphics Card: NVIDIA RTX 3060Ti Power Supply: 750W Gold Rated, Fully Modular OS Drive: 1TB PCIE 4.0 NVME SSD Storage Drive: 6TB Mechanical Hard Drive