Most people call me Howl or Howls, some of my older friends may call me by one of my many other names online though, Each of my old names are listed in my steam bio. It is D. R. Howls not Doc. However I don't mind it terribly if someone does call me doc.
I am a bit shy at first, still very new to streaming but ill try my best to read every message unless its a bit much to read out-loud, feel free to repeat yourself if you feel like i didnt see your message i never want you to feel like what you said doesnt matter to me. The doggo moving png is based on the Klee Kai one of my favorite dog breeds. I drew some of the pngs that are used on my channel but others are from other creators!
I can be silly and a bit sussy at times which is why my community is 18+.
Board games, writing, cooking, video games, and drawing are all hobbies of mine although i have quite a few more.
I do have a discord, myself or any mod has the ability to give you an invite link! If you are too afraid to ask there is also a redeem for it please check redeems for more details.
This channel is 18+ 1) Follow Twitch TOS! I try not to ban people lightly but if you violate twitch TOS or otherwise cause enough of an issue i will be forced to ban you 2) No sexist, racist, age talk, or anti-LGBTQ+ remarks, this community is meant to be a cozy place where people can feel safe. 3) No talking about sensitive subjects or trauma dumping 4) Don't talk about viewership or analytics, i am not interested in hearing updates on them 5) No self promotion unless I allow it. I try to be supportive of other creators that are part of the community. 6) Generally don't be a asshole, disrespecting myself or the people that are on stream with me will not be tolerated, constructive criticism or criticism of myself is fair game so long as its done respectfully 7) Passive aggressive comments will be deleted or dealt with accordingly 8) (This does not apply to mods) No asking for other people to be banned live on stream for reasons outside of actions that directly affect the channel, this is not only rude but doesn't allow proper time to gather evidence or verify those claims, if you have a complaint about someone that makes others un-comfy in the chat (or that is causing undue trouble outside of the community) I am more than receptive to hearing you out if you can provide evidence. 9) Don't be the reason why new rules are added.
Here are some commands to try out! !sus !seiso !cute !meow !heist (amount) !gamble (amount) !clip !discord !dbd (for friend code) !lurk !howtolurk !addquote (now open to everyone! please make sure its something that i actually said on stream though or this will go back to mod only) !quote (context is important)
Stream Pet Command !headpats !sus !derp !angry !dance !love !sad !sleep !squish
Custom/personal commands !abs !elias !mage !green !taco !glutt !roxas !mods (list of my amazing mods) !modabs !modria !modelias !modflipp !modhex other mod commands to come for newer mods!
Mod/executive commands (mod only below) !howls (if i am preoccupied) !raiders (for when i get raided and cant say it myself) !ttv !raid (a raid message meant for subs) !raid2 (a raid message meant for non-subs) !so !shoutout (longer form shout out for raiders if the banner one is already used)
Below is a list of the amazing active streamers that are apart of the community that i have had the pleasure to collab/play or who have otherwise helped me on my journey as a streamer: Abs_VT aka Abs (he/him) ryothir aka Ry Ry (he/him) eliasstrophic aka Elias (he/him) roxasamor aka Roxas (he/him) falloutvixen aka Vixen (she/her) gluttonyvt aka Glutt (he/him) yomihasu aka yomi (he/him) ThePoliteCanadianTTV aka Canadian or Maple Queen (she/her) riapiabobia aka Ria (she/her) Hexsan aka Hexy or Glitch Witch (he/him) tacoboy_97 aka Taco (he/him) bogsovereign aka Sunnie (they/them)
Music provided by PFP: By: Me! PNGtuber by: Me! Some static Pngs: Me! Starting soon background: Me! Transition screen: Break screen: Ending screen: Other static Pngs: check attribution! Animated Pngs: check attribution!