Yo! I'm a Canadian content creator that has gone by a few names in the past. ScientificGaming for many years. JDScientize for a while. Now I'm Ed in a Jar!
What is your name?
My name is Jared but you can call me Jared or Ed I respond to both.
When are you live?
We are here six days a week in the evening/night depending on your timezone (4-9pm PST) and often earlier or later as I feel.
How long have you been on Twitch?
I've been on the platform since JustinTV right around the first time Skyrim launched.
How did you make partner?
My antics in Payday 2 as ScientificGaming brought us hundreds of viewers back in the day. I also did fairly well on games like Killing Floor 2, Vermintide 1/2 and other Left4dead style titles.
How do I play with you?
Join our discord at Discord.gg/Labcats and hit me up in the general chat. I'm looking for new people to game with so lets chat and see if we'll have a good time. The discord acts as a hub for our guild/team.
In no bloody order
Do not ask for Mod, if you're here, nice to people, helpful and I'm in need of it? You'll be getting a message.
Everyone here is entitled to their own opinions, so long as they're adult about it and we can discuss things better than half a basket of ass.
Hints are fine and great, repeating the same two words, again and again, demanding I do as you say on a delay isn't going to work out, stahp.
Console wars? What are you 12? Gamers are gamers! Play what you want and have fun. What the hell else matters?
Always, ALWAYS shoot first.