开台时间暂时不定。因为可好现在面临着健康问题,需要长时间休养和复诊以及复健。 有时候也需要忙社团的活动。但你们的捧场是我的动力!<3 我会尽力开台!
比较常玩的游戏:L4D2, DBD(偶尔会弃坑), Bro Falls, B4B *没有固定的游戏时间表哦。
Hi, I'm Elaine, from Malaysia. An introvert who love gaming.
My streaming schedule for now is kinda flexible because I am currently suffering from chronic health condition which required lots of resting and medical follow ups. In addition to that I have society activities as well. I'm also a volunteer in a local organization, hence.
However, your views and support mean a lot to me! I'll try my very best to provide the best of the show.
Game that I've play frequently: L4D2, DBD, Bro Falls And there are so many other types of game I love to try (no horror which means I am not getting those views ><" sad but true). Hence there's none fixed gaming schedule.
Your follow definitely help a small streamer who just started like me. Thank you so much!
性别 Gender: 女 Female (?? 哈喽这有必要说明 Hello is this worth mentioned) 生日DOB:31/08 星座 Horoscope: 处女座 Virgo MBTI: INFJ 喜欢的音乐/团体 Preferred music genre/group: 韩团,比较有关注和喜欢的如红贝贝,妈妈木,小女友,和宇宙少女 但好听的歌曲也会去关注 KPOP , typically Red Velvet, Mamamoo, Gfriend, WJSN but I listen to other artist's songs too 大学专修 Major in : 心理学 Psychology 口头禅 Mantra: 可以可以 // 靠北 // 摆烂哦 //林老兄
-互相尊重,不人身攻击等 Respect each other, no personal attack
-禁歧视 No stereotyping
-禁爆粗口 No rude words, no cursing
-禁预告其他直播主开台(如:某某直播主已开台)No streaming notification about other streamer
-请适当开玩笑。若偶觉得不舒服请在被劝的时候停止,否则可能为了其他观众的体验而删你留言/被禁言。I love joke, but please make sure it's funny for both of us. If I feel offended by your joke please stop immediately. Or else I might have to blocked you for better experience of others.
-这里是开车台,未满18岁的观众若要观赏请自行负责。This is an age-restricted channel, those who are under-age please take responsibility for your own if you sneak in.
-这是开车台但是请谨慎开车。无意、不好笑的露骨色情留言可被视为性骚扰讯息。This is an age-restricted channel, however please don't simply comment rude/vulgar word. If the comment is offensive and not intend for humor, it can be taken as sexual harassments.
-如果是直播主,我很开心认识你,也很乐意协助工商。但是请别在这里擅自宣传你的频道和拉票以示尊重。 I am glad to know more streamer, I also am glad to shoutout for you. But please don't advertising your channel without my permission in the chatroom, appreciated.
-初犯者将被警告/被删留言;严重则禁言并踢出组群(如有加入)Warning will be escalated before banned from community and DC (if applicable).
-小的有权利决定玩的游戏和直播内容。若想看其他内容可以推荐,主播会考虑 Streamer has the final call for what game or content to put out. Do recommend any game or content if you love to see, but I cannot guarantee anything.
-有想参与一起玩的可以说哦。但是偶呢拥有决定权,也有权利在某些因素下取消邀请(如玩游戏时候狂飙脏话,狂责怪队友,不尊重游戏和队友,拿队友来和其他直播主/玩家做比较等等)。If you wanna play along, I would love to have you in my team. But I have the final say about the invitation and the decision might cancel due to some unexpected reason. Such as disrespectful behavior during gameplay(cursing towards teammates, no cooperating &BM, blaming teammates, comparing teammates with other streamer/person and so on).
-一起玩游戏不一定要进DC。偶邀请的话你也有决定权。 Playing along doesn't mean have to get into my discord for sure. You're free to upon my invitation.
-如果私下和主播聊天不礼貌,一样会被警告和有可能被禁言 If you talk to me in private in bad manner, same consequences stated here will be taken.
-为了公平起见,聊天室规则将覆盖所有的人(包括订阅/给小费/赏呼币的朋友们)。 The chat rules is applicable to all to make it fair (including subscribers, those who donate, those who give bits).
-小的偶尔会上线玩游戏但没开播。请尊重主播个人的时间。请不要在看到小妹上线玩游戏就讯息催促开播,或者传其他不友善的讯息内容。 I might be online playing game meanwhile not streaming. Do respect my personal time.
-私人账号的好友请求,请体谅我无法接受哦。所以私人账号的私讯也一律不会回复哦。Please understand I will not accept friend's request on my personal account. Hence, any private message in my personal account will not be reply.
-陆续有黑粉来拜访,请大家合作,一起遵守聊天室的规则。感谢不尽~一起保护我幼小的心灵 There are many bad comments previously, please cooperate and follow the chat rules ya. Thank you~ Love <3
Tipping wasn't necessary when you're watching my channel. As tipping is always optional, so don't be pressure about it. It's just one of the way you're showing your support towards my efforts.
However, if you would like to support me by tipping in, kindly click on this link. I'll be more than grateful for your kindness. *Donation cannot be refund T_T
开台 Started stream: 27/07/2021 100追 followers: 9月份/2021 // Sept/2021 合作联盟 Affiliate:10/10/2021 第一次开台玩的游戏 First game played: 宝可梦联盟 // Pokemon League 最长开台时间 Longest streaming duration: 33小时35分钟 // 33 hours 35 mins 第一个一起合作游戏的主播 First streamer played together: 电玩阿嫲 (anita6288) 第一个VIP First VIP: satanmilky 第一个赠送游戏给我的 First game gifted from: 美男迪巴鲁 第一个收到的游戏 First game gifted:Outlast 第一个玩的恐游 First Horror Game: Tsugunohi 第一个送我DBD角色的 First DBD character gifted by: SkyLance 送的角色是 The character are : 骗术师 The Trickster, 军团 The Legion, Ash 什利 第一个生日送我游戏做礼物的 First Bday gift by : 阿北(hiopcc)
感谢!!收到的游戏礼物 Game I received as present, thank you!!: Outlast, Outlast 2, The Beast Inside, Cute cats, Cute Dogs, Dead Rising 2, FEAR, FEAR Extraction Point, FEAR Perseus Mandate, FEAR 2 Project Origin, FEAR 3, Five Nights at Freddy's, Ghost Case, Hero Siege, Hidden Shapes Lovely Cars - Jigsaw Puzzle, Inhuman, Midnight Submersion - Nightmare Horror Story, Payday 2, The radio station, Poppy Playtime, Sudoku Universe, Terraria
大剑 Mod: 子健,飞行熊猫,昊昊儿,AkiraTei, 壹万