!8ball - ask a question and the 8 ball will answer
!death - Add 1 to the counter tracking the number deaths (like Elitest would ever die in a game)
!fine - for when it’s fiiiiiine
!flip - flip a table
!unflip - put the table back, we’re civilized here
!fuckme - Add 1 to the counter tracking the number of times Elitest says “fuck me”
!idiot - Add 1 to the counter tracking the number of times Elitest has done something dumb (so like zero)
!lurk - when you need to step away
!unlurk - when you're back and ready to party
!rage - Adds 1 to the counter tracking the number of times Elitest has upset chat
!save - Remind Elitest to save his game
!uwu - Let’s see why Elitest is struggling to get good at this game