關於我!!! ABOUT ME!!!
٩(๑´0`๑)۶ 可以叫主播 小白,肥皂,emily
(ΦωΦ) 生日素零一1204
(⁰⊖⁰) 现居加拿大多伦多
(๑•̀ω•́)ノ素唱歌台 主播是一個缺愛的小孩 如果覺得好聽請給主播多多地誇獎和應援!!誇得越動聽真誠主播會唱的越好聼喲
ヾ(´︶`*)ノ♬ 這裏就素我的個人ktv房間 打 !songlist 在聊天室可以打開我的歌單!歌單裏有想聼的歌都可以按request點!一場直播不唱重複的歌!!先來先到!!
(=´ω`=) 频道是从2021的九月份开始的,之前很长一段时间因为一些原因没有很频繁的直播現在我会每周定时直播 時間大概是隨機工作日的晚上8-9點開始和周末的早上(加拿大多倫多時間)固定周三晚上開播
٩(๑´0`๑)۶ Feel free to call me Emily or Emm
(ΦωΦ) birthday 2001 1204
(⁰⊖⁰) currently living in Toronto Canada
(๑•̀ω•́)ノsinging stream! Please give me lots of compliments and support if you like my singing!!! The more sincere support I get better when singing!!!
ヾ(´︶`*)ノ♬ This is my karaoke room!! Check out my song list by typing !songlist, feel free to request songs you want to hear me sing! No repeated songs in one stream!! It's first come first serve!!
◥(ฅº₩ºฅ)◤You can send me the link if you want me to learn a song. I will learn the song if I like it, if not, a little something to sweeten the deal never hurts (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
(=´ω`=) I started my channel in 2021 but stopped for a while due to personal reasons, but I'm now streaming regularly. Starting times 8-9 on random weekdays (always Wednesday)and in the morning on weekends (Canadian Toronto time)