TIP $20 USD (or use the corresponding point redeem!) to change the game I am playing from list of games below!
You may suggest a game to add to this list but I may decline. This list will likely expand as I think of games to add to it that I like.
THERE IS A ONE HOUR COOLDOWN FOR THIS! So if someone else tipped for a game I must play it for at least one hour before I take another tip game change!
Thumbnail art by Vinny!
Use Infinite's referral code and get paid an extra $50 after your first 5 visits to your local CSL Plasma donation center!
Ask Crab or Infinite on the Discord for any questions you have. Or we can talk about it on stream.
There are people all over the world, like Iron Mouse, who depend on plasma donations to live. Meanwhile, you will earn $500+ per month, much more for new donors.
Infinite and I donate plasma twice a week and have earned tens of thousands of dollars for a noble cause. You can do.
Credits Image - Pixlscreen Old PNGtuber - Jasper the Zombie New PNGtuber - Sr Meowmers Starting Soon Image - Electroslag Awaawa emote - Lain Wheezer emote - Lain Stream Over image - Lain
All other art is either done by me, IRL friends who want to remain anonymous or unknown.