Email- [email protected]
Casual streaming found here. I'm married, have kids, and one of those "day jobs" people rant about. I stream when I can but hopefully a few days a week.
This is an adult stream. We'll cuss from time to time. We will not tolerate any kind of directed hate, racist comments, sexists comments, or generally negative behavior.
1) Don't harass anyone. I'm the judge of what is harassing.
2) Don't spam. I read chat. I'll try to get to every question but if you post over and over I'll probably just ignore you.
3) Adult language is ok but personal attacks are not. You know, be nice and stuff.
4) One joy of gaming is the discovery. Please let me discover games for myself. Hold your tips and suggestions unless I ask. Backseat gaming ain't cool.
5) The Earth is round. Humans landed on the Moon July 20, 1969. NASA's mission is to pioneer the future in space exploration, scientific discovery and aeronautics research. If you cannot accept these fact, this channel is not the place to argue.
6) Don't argue with the Mods.
7) Have fun.