我時常遊走在不同的伺服器中,但目前最常龜在靈異研究公司這裡,在任何時段都有許多玩家可以揪來玩! I used to roam in multi-server, currently I like to stick around with - Phasmophobia - Supernature Inc.. You will be able to hangout with phasmo players whenever, whatever, whoever you want!
I'm super love playing video games, not likely to talk/interact with audiences actively unless someone ask me questions . Sometimes I may talk rubbish with you guys if I'm familiar with you. And sometimes I could get upset if I feel teammates troll, please forgive me if I can't stand with you!
我喜歡玩恐怖或是生存類的遊戲,目前是以[恐鬼症]為主,過去曾經玩過很多經典的遊戲像是( [推薦+很想揪你們來一起玩的遊戲] ): 惡靈古堡系列(0~村莊) [7日殺(7D2D)] 仁王 艾瑞登法環 喋血復仇 [飢荒連機] [方舟:生存進化] [摳男(Conan Exiles)] 燒山羊(DEVOUR) 俠盜列車手5 [陰森] 驅鬼 [綠色地獄(Green Hell)] [殺戮空間2 (Killing Floor 2)] 惡靈勢力2 安撫(Pacify) 末日之戰
I like horror and survive video games, currently focus on [phasmo]. I used to play([Recommend and would like to play with you]):
Resident Evil Series (0~Village)
[7 days to die]
Elden Ring
Back 4 Blood
[Don't Starve together]
[ARK: Survival Evolved]
[Conan Exiles]
[The Forest]
Ghost Exorcism INC.
[Green Hell]
[Killing Floor 2]
Left 4 Dead 2
Word War Z