If you want to play a sound on stream, you can use any of the following! All sounds have a 5 minute cooldown.
!bitch (@LittlestOfTrees) !cheeks (@ImBearlyConscious) !derrick (@m0rrie & @ImBearlyConscious) !dumb (@50percentgaming) !edging !error !eugh !garbage (@50percentgaming) !glizzyglock3000 (@ImBearlyConscious) !goodboy !hehe !important !itsfailish (@Artreey) !Jingle !peeking (@DinkyBM) !pegme (@AndresoTV) !pos (TFG_Weeno) !scrapbeak (GamesWithDeath) !spawnfight (@BaldBeardedBastard) !stopshooting (@TheAmatorium) !trappywappy !uppercut (@TheAmatorium)
Hi there! The name's Failish or Em. I come from the land of cheese and 420 blaze it (also known as The Netherlands).
I'm a Hunt: Showdown content creator who struggles with visual impairements, basically a T-Rex at this point.
Always interested to discuss business enquiries! Email me here: [email protected]
Never required, always appreciated! Any donations will go towards improving the quality of the stream or helping me pay my bills!
Please note that donations are NON-REFUNDABLE. By donating to me you agree to this term.
In case you would like to make an anonymous donation to my PayPal: [email protected]