Hello, and welcome to my channel! This is a safe zone for LGBTQIA+, as well as other letter combinations like BPD, ADHD, and PTSD. I'm an untransitioned non-op transgender pansexual demigirl, and my pronouns are she/her. I play Guild Wars 2, but I will branch out to other games eventually. IGN: floralei.2309 (NA), murghwai.8925 (EU)
• Keep chat to English only to avoid confusion or misunderstandings. • Be respectful to others as you would want others to respect you. • Keep the chat Safe For Work and avoid excessive explicit language. • No trolling, drama, or politics, we want to keep the chat civil and calm. • Do not spam or CAPS-LOCK to get attention, whisper a mod instead. • Don't self-promote or share links unless given expressive permission. • No backseating or spoilers as this might ruin the gaming experience. • Follow mod instructions, they are here for both for you and channel host. • Follow Twitch guidelines to keep the channel alive and well forever. • Report violations to mods if someone attempts to break/circumvent the rules.
Visit my merch store to buy cool stuff with my new channel image and/or the channel banner, like on the purple unisex hoodie shown in the image above. (No, that is a model, not me.)
A person who displays qualities of bravery, selflessness, and intelligence in a time of need, bringing hope to the hopeless.
[Source: Urban Dictionary]
I've made a guild for anyone interested, for anyone on or off stream, as long as you're a Guild Wars 2 player. It's NA based, but we welcome EU players, though no in-game interaction will be possible. The guild is linked to my Discord server, and verified members on the server gets matching guild rank as on the server. Subscribers on Twitch will keep the Acolyte rank permanent. Send me a Discord DM, whisper me on Twitch, or contact me in game for information.
!8ball, !catfact/!catpic, !dadjoke, !discord, !dogfact/!dogpic, !drops, !duel [target name] [points]/!accept/!deny/!cancel, !fact, !flip/!unflip/!angryflip, !followage [target name], !gamble [points], !giveaway, !guild, !heist [points], !ign, !lastseen [target name], !love [target name], !lurk/!unlurk, !points, !pride, !quote, !slap [target name], !slots [points], !social, !team, !ticket [IGN], !time, !uptime, !urban [term]
!gosek, !granny, !ladyluck, !luckyman, !maple, !nemi, !noctis, !scwhewell/!swell, !superdave/ !dave
!addpoints [target name or "all"] [amount]/ !setpoints [target name or "all"] [amount], !addcmd/!delcmd/!editcmd, !addquote/!delquote/ !editquote, !ban [target], !merch, !nuke [phrase]/!defuse, !nukeuser [target], !hateraidon/!hateraidoff, !permit, !prune, !raid, !safemode/!safemodeoff, !setgame [full game name], !settitle [full stream title], !so [target name], !timers/!5m, !pride
I created a Discord server called "The Zednoughts Lair" for anyone interested, mainly as a place where you can mingle with fellow followers, subscribers, and guildies! Verification needed to access channels. Click here or the Discord banner to visit my server.
The Benevolent Turn [kind] is a community in Guild Wars 2, which focuses on creating an inclusive and welcoming environment for both new and veteran players!
❤ A serious staff team, who work hard to maintain a safe and welcoming environment for all members ❤ A great platform for social interactions with other players ❤ A long list of events every week, such as different Farm Trains, HP Trains and more! ❤ Raid Trainings ❤ Strike Trainings ❤ Fractal Trainings ❤ Competitions with gold prizes ❤ Social events like Jumping Puzzle trains or Fashion Contests ❤ Giveaways ❤ And more!
Join our discord server to get notifications about our upcoming events! Meet other players to play with, and participate in trainings to learn some of the harder content in Guild Wars 2!
Check out our Instagram, where we post pictures from our events and competitions!
Follow our Twitter to stay tuned for updates!
Model: MSI MAG Forge 100R Motherboard: Gigabyte Z590I Vision D Chair: Cepter Rogue Processor: Intel Core i-5 11400F 6 CPU 2.60GHz Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 RAM: 2x32GB Corsair Vengeance LPX DDR4 RAM Storage: Kingston 1TB SSD, Samsung 1TB SSD Monitor 1: Cepter NOVA 1920x1080 23.8" Monitor 2: Lenovo D24-45 1920x1080 23.8" Microphone: Thornmax MDrill Dome Headset: Cepter Air Pro Webcam: Trust Trino Mouse: Razer Viper Ultimate Keyboard: ASUS ROG Azoth 75% OS: Windows 11 Home, 64-bit
Model: ACER Nitro N50-600 Processor: Intel Core i-5 9400F 6 CPU 2.90GHz Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 RAM: 8 GB DDR RAM, SK Hynix Storage: 256 GB SSD Monitor: ASUS VS197 1366x768 19" Mouse: SureFire Buzzard Claw Keyboard: Aurora Blackstar 60% OS: Windows 11 Home, 64-bit
If you want to help me afford stuff to improve the stream, please subscribe, buy bits, or maybe buy me a cup of coffee at Ko-Fi? Any donations will go to improving the stream in one way or another.
The music I play is from • Epidemic Sound, used with licence. • akaciehonning on Spotify, used with permission. • "Floralei Bloodwood Stands Tall" is AI generated, and copyright of 'Ken' a.k.a. 'Frosty'.