are you confusing by many channel points items? commands? StreamAvatars? check here and be expert of SheepTV!
Smol RULES -English or Japanese or Baaish only -Follow Twitch community guidelines/SAR guidelines -Be positive & helpful to other viewers and sheeps! -Be respectful to moderatoers -Do not ask draw art for free -Do not spam message -Do not self promote -Do not make drama -Do not talk about me on another person's stream unless they are talking about me -Do not ask help to another streamer if you get banned here, you will lose chance forever unbanned here
I am Super Animal Royale's super artist/super content creator/translator(jp) and wvbBB’s official bobaven designer/official programmer
My main language is japanese. I can type English in chat well, but my pronunciation is not the best. You can ask me to type if you do not understand my reply.
thank you for alot supporting! sheepTV is 1 y/o now!
I play craft/farming game I draw sheep I make 3D model (still beginner) I play Super Animal Royale
You can ask me or !discord while streaming for my discord server link. There are 280+ SAR emotes that are all made by me!!!!!!!! enjoy stream and play with channel point/command!
クラフトゲー、農場ゲー、SARが好きです。 でもたいていはひつじの絵を書いたり、ひつじのアニメーションを作ったり、ひつじの3Dモデルを作ったりしています。
私のdiscordサーバーには300個以上のSAR関連の絵文字があるので興味があったら配信中に!discordを使って参加してね。 サーバーでの使用言語は英語だけど絵文字使うためだけとかでも全然おkです。
WUBIMO GAMING is a show every Thursday around 7PM EST/8AM JST Wub & Sheep play games together WUB + BAMIMO = WUBIMO! Sometimes we invite guests!
The show takes turns on our Twitch channels every week on WUB TV & SHEEP TV
check out commission menu !!
Super friendo!
bobaven:official sheep translater,AWW co-worker★wvbBB tasty cocoa: official bamimo tech supporter AWW co-worker★cocoacaa just only slimkom★Komjji ringo chan★applefawn bald pengu ★Wheezy_Jacket sesame girl★ninjapigletx bamimmer★Blitzed medic pandy★SlavaMedik cute butt wolfy★Wolfenstinger marshmallow boi★krivesis
check more Sheep's art!!!
check my some chibi animal 3D models! they are free to use on craftopia!
Super Animal Royale is free to play 2D battle royale game! Lets play with frendo! Check Pixile Studio Show! sheepTV using SAR music,Redeem:Heros never die! and BREAKING NEWS voice by catbaux Redeem:Heros never die! and BREAKING NEWS music
i just dont want leave link on pubric place, you can type !discord while streaming! theres 300+ sar related emotes and fun contents by bamimo bot! funny conversation with our friendo! level up and get free art!
also channel point redeem "Sheep photo" will send picture with your name on #bamimo-streaming
Free SAR asset website for SAR streamer/creator!! use code [ AWW ] in SuperAnimalRoyale coupon code section to get our umbrella !! 無料で使えるSARのストリーム用素材!SARのクーポンコードにAWWを入力してアンブレラをゲットしよう! made by >wvbBB,cocoacaa and me!
art by wvbBB
what you need for pizza toast? 1: white bread 2: pizza sauce 3: cheese 4: your favourite toppings... like spam!
Place toast on aluminum foil and add toppings. (If you forget this, the bottom will be burnt before your toppings are cooked!!)
Cook in toaster oven and eat! you can watch tutorial video too!
You can also wrap it before cooking and freeze it for later! (freezed pizza toast need cook around 15min)